

Saturday, October 22, 2011


A cold front is lurking. Witchstock, Blueberry Muffins, Moose Slippers and warm Elmo Jammies have been subtle reminders that not only has fall sneaked in the back door but winter is on its way- right around the corner.

This time of year leaves me nostalgic, yearning for warm and quiet darkness. If I didn't have responsibilities, you might find me in my bed huddled under a chenille blanket and going on my 16th hour of sleep. I'm talking about the kind of sleep that I experienced in high school; the type that drifts in and out, leaving you struggling to differentiate reality from dream and day from night. This time of year also reminds me of the smell of a laundry mat. The warm cotton smell that lingered in my nostrils as I sipped coffee and read Young Frankenstein in the corner of the 24 Hour Wash; being eaten alive by mosquito's. A friend and I used to huddle in the corner with our knees pulled up close to our chests, comparing itchy bites and making up life stories for the people we saw there. See that girl? he would whisper, and go on about her life as an orphan, a doctor, an anthropologist. Another friend would join us, throwing down her bag and slumping into the booth across from us, rolling her eyes; That dryer seriously takes forever.  These are blurry memories. I see them more as a movie than as if I were actually there. I see myself rubbing my eyes, twisting my hands together, trying to bring warmth to the pale and shaking fingers that I hardly recognized anymore. I see myself take a long slurping sip from my coffee, burning the taste buds from my tongue; the scratchy feeling that stayed in my mouth for hours later.

These memories are sad and sodden in carelessness.
It's time to replace those memories with new ones- happy, warm and golden memories.

For example:



 Kade has grown quite fond of his cousin. He's just fascinated with her. 



WitchStock in Ogden: lots of women dancing around historic 25th street, peeking into bars and cackling to their hearts content.This is our time to be silly, to get together as Grandma, Mom, Daughter, Sister and Friend. To laugh, to catch up, to tease, to tell stories... something I look forward to all year.


Grandma always has the best "scary green witch" costume. And her cackle? Top Notch. 




Make yourself a big ol' list of memories; the good kind.


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