

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October the fifth

We had big plans for today: breakfast at great grandmas, Discovery Time and because this is Mommy and Daddy's only day off together, a family trip to the "Punkinaze." We were looking forward to walking Kade through the corn maze, sliding down the hay slide and sitting around the fire. It seemed like the perfect plan to really swing fall into full gear. When we woke up this morning, the sky was dark and hung heavy over the trees like a thick wool blanket. The rain started shortly after, followed by a moment of sunshine- teasing us- only for the clouds to return a few short minutes later. Our 80 degree weather changed unexpectedly into 50 degree weather, prompting hats and warm jackets on our venture to grandma greats house. After breakfast, Kade napped. He slept deep and peaceful and that never happens at grandma greats house so I let him sleep- and by the time he awoke I realized we had missed Discovery Time altogether. I found myself humming.. Rain Rain Go Away, I have too many plans today. You guessed it: we didn't go to the Punkinaze. The ground is soggy and the wind is whipping about the trees, sending yellow leaves flying.  We did what you should always do on a blustery day, when your plans have all fallen through: We put on our hoods and went to a cafe. We sat in cheerful light and ordered hearty food. Kade learned how to drink from a straw and swooned the waiters. They couldn't help but play peek-a-boo with him from behind the bar. I finished my plate- the best pork chops I've ever eaten in my life and laid back, content with the way the evening had turned out. At home, we fulfilled another requirement for a blustery day; an extra long bubble bath, lots of belly kisses and Spooky Old Tree. The house smells like wet cotton and No More Tangles

The Perfect Plan For Swinging Fall Into Full Gear:


Advice: If your baby spends an afternoon painting masterpieces and holding them up to you smiling, his eyes beaming Lookit what I made Mama! Frame them. And if the paint dries on his face but he's determined to run off and play, Let Him. What can it hurt?



The moral of the story? Sometimes things fall apart: plans, relationships, quilting projects. It's up to you to have the strength to start over. To decide I Am Not Going To Let This Ruin My Day. Because really, your moments are what you make them. When your trying to embroider a pillow for a little girl whom you've never even met and Good God the floss is a knotted mess again, take a deep breath, drink a diet coke and start over. Because the outcome will be so worth it. (Photos of The Outcome to come soon). Are you catching my drift?


Kade gets it. Oh, and meet The Master of Silly Faces. 


See what I mean? He's the master. 


Kade has learned so many new things in the last week! Drinking from a straw, clapping, and he says a new word: Baby. He struggles with the second b sound so it comes out more like Ba-aye. But I know what he's saying and oh Ba-aye it's music to Mama's ears. We've been using these flash cards and they seem to be working!

Wanting to put the cards we're working on where he could see them, and always looking for a reason to put a new idea into Kade's bedroom I came up with this:

It was super easy and I love that I don't have to hunt through the box of cards to find the ones we've been studying. 

Happy Wednesday! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the cards jess! Esp love the photos of kade, you van tell how much he's grown! I really miss him! Sorry your adventure plans fell through but I'm flash you guys were able to make the best of it


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