

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hot Mama

As most weekends go around here, this last one was definitely interesting. I'll spare you the gritty details and just say that we all suffered from a horrendous stomach flu that left me cleaning carpets and attacking every surface in my house with clorox wipes. While it wasn't a particularly pleasant weekend, Kade is finally feeling back to his normal self and we've been able to relax and spend some time together before I return to work tomorrow night. October holds lots of exciting things for our family: fire station tour, costume parties, sewing extravaganzas and Daddy starting his new job. But, it also holds a time for adjustment on all of our parts. I'm going to be working a great deal of hours, trying to catch up on some bills and prepare for (Gasp!) Christmas Shopping. And Daddy will start working which may mean more sitters for Kade and less one on one time. I know this is going to be a difficult transition for him as he's used to being tended by mainly Mommy or Daddy but I think it will be good for him to spend time with others and break out of his shy little shell. I got to see a glimpse of his social personality today at Discovery Time as he clapped along to songs, bobbed his head and shook his "egg shaker" with the other toddlers. He tossed his head in a fit of laughter, his hair flinging back. He flirted with a four year old who thought he was just the greatest. Every few minutes he would glance back to make sure I was watching. And oh boy, was I ever. I looked at him with such pride and admiration. My baby is growing up. He's playing with big kids and dancing to Jack and Jill. The other kids have two egg shakers, Kade has one. But you can bet your bottom dollar he shook his one egg with more vigor and excitement than any of the other kids combined.

Something about Discovery Time at our local library- I am the younger mother there. I'm the only Mom without a ring on my finger, pulling garments up that have fallen in my haste chase down the aisle after my toddler. I'm wearing jeans and have Are you Red-y? lipstick on my lips. The mothers there are wearing the same yoga pants they've been wearing for three days. Now, you can imagine the looks I get from these mothers. Look at that young mother, running effortlessly after her toddler, not wearing a ring on her finger and where in heavens name did she find the time to put lipstick on? Needless to say, they have trouble striking up a conversation with me. My mother says they're jealous. I say, what is there to be jealous about? I jumped into my jeans in the 10 seconds I had to spare before Kade threw himself to the floor in a fit of rage for the fifth time today and it's only seven a.m. I smeared on my lipstick directed after brushing my teeth in an attempt to feel like I did something for myself today. The mothers at Discovery Time have the same opportunity I have- they just don't take advantage of it. Yes, I had my son at 19 and no I'm not married. But, I'm trying to give him the best life I can. I'm making the best of my situation while they look miserable- using Discovery Time as an excuse to get the bejeezus out of house and let someone else entertain their kids for an hour. I seem to be the only mother up dancing, singing and making a complete fool out of myself while the others might (God Forbid) crack a smile. I say, get dressed up. You're going to the library? Sweet! An opportunity to put on some make up and pull your hair back, dance and read your kid stories in the bright Childrens Section. I double dog dare you to giggle when you get lipstick on his cheeks.


This is our "Sick Baby Survival Pack."


Do you see how Chubby my baby is getting? Just look at those delicious little legs.



We've been trying to sit down and have more dinners at a family- to nudge along this attempt, Mommy has even created a Menu for the weeks meals.

Kade's room is without a doubt my favorite in the house. That being said, you can imagine that I'm decorating non-stop. Adding things, moving things around, thinking up wild ideas for someday when we have a real house. It makes me Happy.





Fun Fall Post coming soon!


  1. OH jess I loved this post! although I am still sad that you guys were all sick I'm very happy that you are getting over that horrible bug! & your mother is right, those women are jealous of you for MANY reasons, not just because you are a hot momma ;)

    I can't wait to be in Utah, we'll have to go to the library together because that sounds like a lot of fun!


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