If I had been Kade in this situation, knowing myself well and having been in such a situation before, I would be pissed. If I were a toddler, there would be a tantrum. A kicking-punching-slamming-the-table-where-is-my-FOOD?! tantrum. Kade, however, was calm. Certainly there were moments of distress but he hugged my shoulder as I paced and kissed my cheeks with his little pursed lips, tangling his fingers up in my hair. He swooned all the ladies around him and was ready and willing to be tossed across the table from grandma to grandma to uncle to grandpa. He was patient. I sat at the table and moaned I can't believe they served him last after I specifically asked them... And all the while, Kade had forgotten the incident complertely and was savoring every last bite of his cold, crusty grilled cheese- grinning at Aunt Judy across the table and throwing his hands up in the air in celebratory enthusasium Yay!
Now, here I sit thinking of that poor waitress. Having served us before, I have to wonder if upon seeing us she panics. Us Binghams, we're a tough crowd, and I have to give her credit for always bringing enough shrimp sauce, maneuvering around coats and bags and putting up with the wrapping paper littering the floor. I suppose a little appreciation needs to be handed her way. I hope when she gets home tonight, she can trade in her festive attire for something cozy and sleep away the aches in her muscles, which I'm sure ensued after a long night on her feet. Thank you, Waitress Lady at Utah Noodle.
Kade adores his Nana.
This year, we've had our first opportunity at scheduling our whole Christmas Week ourselves. Every last detail has been decided by us. When I was younger I found myself dreading Christmas morning. There is that dreadfully quiet and boring space after all the presents are opened and hours before any family feasts begin. You finish cleaning up the wrapping paper, dress in your festive attire and sit around the house. Now what? I used to impatiently ask my parents when we were leaving. When are we going to see grandma? Other grandma? Dad? Hello, isn't Christmas about family?! This year, I've got a plan to nip those dreadfully long hours in the bud. Hopefully, Kade won't share the same exasperation when he's older. I think a huge Christmas morning breakfast (I found this recipe for gingerbread pancakes with banana cream- amazing!), opening presents and a drive up the canyon to see the snow and breathe in the new year will do the trick- giant mug of candy cane cocoa in hand, singing carols all the way.
Christmas parties, shopping dates, coffee with friends; I've spent the week focusing on what Christmas is all about. I've snuggled up close with my friends and relatives, laughed the night away, and had myself a much deserved mug of Rum and Egg Nog. This is also the first year, incidentally that we've been able to buy gifts for all of our loved ones. And I've found myself watching in anticipation as they tear away the paper- that green tree paper that I spent five minutes deciding on because it had to be just right- and being more excited that I was able to give to them than I was about my own gifts. Yes, this is good stuff, Maynard.
Our dear friends are visiting from California. We've been so grateful to spend some quality time with them while they're here. We love you, Murphy family!
Emberlynn and Marleigh
I love how my apartment looks like Santas work shop around Christmas time. There are toys everywhere- even the adults can't help but play along.
Two of my favorite girls!
Now, I'm off to make the most of this weekend- to soak it all in like a sponge. May you do the same.
ps. This year, Kade gave me the best gift of all:
Houston, we have a walker.
Love it. And love you and your family..
ReplyDeleteKeep up with the writing.. Love you