Too often, we as Americans get too wound up in our to-do lists to actually enjoy our time off work. Sometimes, the weekend becomes more work than your job is; and that list keeps growing, each time you check something off, you seem to be adding something on. I think it's important to use your weekend as a breath of fresh air. Take long baths, make muffins, stay in your pajamas until noon and sit outside
just because. Weekends are good for camping, swimming, quilts, baking, and lazy afternoons stacking blocks and listening to sesame street on the cassette player. Weekends are good for bare feet on warm concrete. Weekends are for sleepovers at grandmas and impromptu barbeques with friends. Even your trips to the grocery store should be slow paced- take the time to choose your produce, buy a fresh loaf of white chocolate pecan bread from the baker and make french toast with it- at four thirty in the afternoon.
The To-Do List can wait.

Weekends are good for cuddling.

Weekends are good for messy hair and guitar lessons with Daddy.

Weekends are good for blueberry muffins and cheerios.

Weekends are good for messy dinners.

Weekends are good for snuggles with Grandma-Great.

Weekends are good for exploring- finding mushrooms growing in peculiar places.
When our weekend is ending, everyone else is just beginning theirs.
Happy Weekend.
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