It's been a few days since I've supplied you all with a nice hearty chunk of my life. I've been busier than ever with work, a baby shower, my birthday dinner, cleaning my house and squeezing in time with friends so I don't go nuts. Kade's birthday invitations aren't yet finished and I should have sent them out today. There is a pile of receipts and notes sitting on the desk comparable to the Eiffel Tower and I haven't vacuumed in a week. I can't even begin to guess when I made my bed last and I threw away an appalling amount of food today that went bad in our refrigerator. Perhaps I'm slacking- I just don't have the energy to cook every night and by the time I have a moment to vacuum, Kade is in bed and I would be waking him. I'd rather be spending time with my son at the park than filing paperwork. Let's be realistic here: I'm only 20 years old. When you're younger and you imagine yourself at 20 you think of college, boyfriends, parties and maybe a super chic job in a coffee shop. I never thought I'd be spending my days toting around a one year old and humming sesame street to myself at the grocery store. While in Walmart the other night, the cashier asked if the gatorade I was buying was to keep the baby hydrated. I gave out a deep are-you-freaking-kidding-me? laugh and said, "No. He can't have gatorade and anyway, that would give him the WORST diarrhea." The cashier, a 20 something year old male, looked at me like I was absolutely nuts. This is what being a mother has done to me. It hasn't taken me out of my comfort zone- it's nested me right into the center of it.
Kade and Boston played at the park today! Boston pushed Kade around in his car. It was so sweet!
I had my first baby when I was 20 too, so I can relate to how you're feeling. The paperwork and house cleaning can wait. Babies grow up too quickly. Enjoy it while it lasts.